UCalgary Affiliate

This page is for those that are not students at UCalgary but are affiliated with the University of Calgary.


If you have a UCID number that begins with a 1 or a 3, please go to the Resident Portal, to log in with with the information you use to log into your UCalgary Student Portal. If you just applied to UCalgary you will need to wait until you receive your login information from UCalgary IT, before you can apply to residence.

UCalgary Affiliated

The following with an affiliation to the University of Calgary can use the registartion below.

First Time Login

If you have previously signed up for UCalgary Housing or are currently living with us and have never logged into our new site, please upgrade your password here: Update Password!

Register as a UCalgary Affiliate

  • Password must be 8 characters long, contain a lowercase, uppercase, numeric and symbol character.
Password must be 8 characters long, contain a lowercase, uppercase, numeric and symbol character.